Thursday, March 31, 2011

March 31, 2011

So what an experience THAT was, trying to get Thor outta jail like a good girl today.  The jail specifically told me last night, TWICE, that I could either pay the fine remainder at the Presque Isle District Courthouse OR the ACJ.  So I figured I'd pay at the ACJ, so Thor wasn't waiting on the side of the street for 45 minutes while I drove from PI to Houlton.  So Mark and I arrive at ACJ and they tell me that I have to pay at the courthouse ONLY.  So I return to Presque Isle, pay the $240, and watch the clerk fax a copy to the jail and even call the jail to make sure he would be released so I could return to Houlton.  Everything verified, I call his brother-in-law Matt and tell him he can go pick Thor up whenever.  This was at 2 p.m.  Between 2 and 4 Thor continues to call and wonder why he hasn't been released.  Finally I call the jail to find out they were waiting for someone to pick him up, though if you're released on your release date at 6:30 a.m., you're kicked outta there with or without a ride, so why was today different?  Anyway, so I call Matt and tell him that when he gets there he actually has to ring the little doorbell, announce his arrival and that he's there to pick Thor up.  So after a long, eventful but tedious and felt-wasted day, Thor is finally outta that hellhole as of 4 p.m.  Hallelujah!  Why all this hullaballoo?  Cause every encounter I have with ACJ has to be fucked up, just has to be.

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