Friday, November 26, 2010

Friday, November 26

So, today is the day after Thanksgiving.  Yesterday was an alright day for the most part.  The best part was that Thor's mother actually invited him to her house for the family dinner.  It's been about three years since she practically "disowned" her own son.  So when she asked if Thor was home and told him to come, it was quite a shocker.  It pleased me, Thor and the family.  It must have been a nice feeling for Thor.  He hugged his mother a few times while we were there.  The day went well until about 5 a.m. this morning when I woke up with massive stomach pains.  I ran to the bathroom, had diarrhea and puked.  Not to mention I puked over the side of the bed too.  Thankfully Jen had Raiden for the night and today, so the girls played all day while I rested.  They behaved exceptionally well, knowing I was sick.  I don't think it was the food, I think it was too many klonopin and soboxone that didn't go so well together.  Never again, with the klonopin anyway!  Thor got his paycheck, miraculously, since it's a holiday week we expected it Monday.  He bought himself some boots, and got 10 Baby Bottle Pop (woohoo), me a crossword puzzle book, Raiden a bath toy, the girls some baby ZhuZhu pets and McDonald's for supper.  They definitely deserved it for behaving so well while mommy was sick.  Oh yeah, and since Thor was so mad at me yesterday, he "grounded" me from the internet today.  He took the internet connection piece to work.  Whoopdidoo, considering I couldn't even get outta bed to get outta my own way anyway.  I think we're back on good terms as of now.  He's out with Brian and Amy scouting some copper and steel, looking to make more money with the steel yard opens on Monday.  I'm going to retire for the night.

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